lördag 14 december 2013

Current schedule for Radio Nord Revival relays

Wednesday kl 2000-2100 UTC (2100-2200 CET)
Radio Merkurs 1485 kHz. Web radio: http://www.radionord.lv/
Wednesday 2000-2100 UTC (2100-2200 CET)
Radio Lindingö 97,8 MHz. Web radio: http://www.radiolidingo.se/
Monday thru Thursd at 2000-2100 UTC (2100-2200 CET) not at the first two weeks of January 2014
Radio Averroes, Costa del Sol, Spain
Web radio: http://www.radioa.es/

If you represent a radio station and would like to carry the Radio Nord Revival programmes free of charge, please contact Göran Lindemark at goran.lindemark (at) comhem.se

måndag 30 september 2013

Radio Nord Revival testing from Latvia on 1485 kHz

No, we're not quite gone yet.... Starting on Wednesday, October 2 at 1900 UTC, Radio Nord Revival will be conducting a series of test transmissions over Radio Merkurs on 1485 kHz, each transmission being one hour. Maximum power is 2,7 kW and the aerial is directed towards Stockholm. Reception reports are welcome to info@rock.x.se and we are especially interested in how the reception is on ordinary household receivers, transistor radios and car radios. If you want a QSL card, reception reports with return postage can be sent to Ronny Forslund Radio Nord Revival Test transmissions Vita Huset SE-17995 Svartsjö Sweden We are aware that some of you may not yet have received your QSL card for previous reception reports but this will be taken care of instantly. Broadcast times may be changed depending on reception conditions. Programmes will contain recordings and spots from 1960s offshore station Radio Nord plus lots of music from the early 60s. Welcome to tune in.