lördag 14 december 2013

Current schedule for Radio Nord Revival relays

Wednesday kl 2000-2100 UTC (2100-2200 CET)
Radio Merkurs 1485 kHz. Web radio: http://www.radionord.lv/
Wednesday 2000-2100 UTC (2100-2200 CET)
Radio Lindingö 97,8 MHz. Web radio: http://www.radiolidingo.se/
Monday thru Thursd at 2000-2100 UTC (2100-2200 CET) not at the first two weeks of January 2014
Radio Averroes, Costa del Sol, Spain
Web radio: http://www.radioa.es/

If you represent a radio station and would like to carry the Radio Nord Revival programmes free of charge, please contact Göran Lindemark at goran.lindemark (at) comhem.se