onsdag 1 september 2021

Radio Nord Revival on the air again Sept. 4-5

Yes, Radio Nord Revival will be back on the air Sept. 4-5 at 0700-1900 UTC from the Vaxholm Fortress. This time we are broadcasting on SW from a new location: Julita, by the lake of Hjälmaren. Our main frequency is 6035 kHz with 6060 and 6130 kHz as backup frequencies. Power is 1 kW and we will be broadcasting in full AM. We are also on FM 91,9 MHz covering the greater Stockholm area. The FM tx is located on the fortress.

On Sunday, September 5, Täby Sändaramatörer are arranging a Radio Nord activity at the fortress and several Radio Nord veterans are invited.

måndag 8 mars 2021

Radio Nord Revival off air due to technical problems

Dear radio friends, we sadly have to inform you that the high power rectifier of the 5 kW transmitter broke down last night and Bernt reports that he doesn't have the necessary parts at the moment to effect repairs. This means there will be no SW transmissions from Radio Nord Revival today. But we will continue to broadcast over various stations relaying our feed between their own programmes. Thanks to all of you who have reported our station- You can still listen through www.streamer.com and for instance www.radion.nu. The stream will go on until midnight today, the day on which Radio Nord started 60 years ago.

söndag 7 mars 2021

Radio Nord Revival off the air on SW

Sadly the 5 kW transmitter which has been used today broke down in connection with a frequency shift back to 6200 kHz. But tomorrow is a new day.... Please continue to monitor 6200 kHz as this is the frequency most likely to give good reception of the ones we have registered. Thanks for your support.

Frequency change to 6035 kHz

Due to severe interference from 6195 kHz we are now switching to 6035 kHz. Welcome to comment in the blog and tell us how you are receiving us. Thanks from the Radio Nord Revival team.

Transmitter troubles at Sala

Unfortunately the SW transmitters at Sala are giving trouble so we have not yet been able to come on the air. Bernt is busy troubleshooting and hopefully the problem will be solved soon. We will be active on 6200 kHz as soon as we possibly can. UPDATE 1130 UTC: we are back on air now.


måndag 1 mars 2021

Radio Nord Revival on the air March 7-8 2021

On March 8 it will be 60 years since the start of our beloved station Radio Nord. We are celebrating this by special transmissions on SW from the Sala shortwave transmitter at Ringvalla, owned by Bernt Nyberg. Power is 10 kW. Here is the programme schedule (ALL TIMES UTC): 

0500: Radio Nord Revival with Ronny Forslund Swedish/English part 1. 
0600: Radio Nord Revival with Ronny Forslund Swedish/English part 2. 
0700: Owe Sjöström, chefstekniker ombord på sändarfartyget Bon Jour berättar. 
0800: Mum for men med Larsan Sörensson i en studioinspelning. Intervju med Siv Wastesson, lyssnare och med Gunnar Heilborn som var tekniker och DJ. 
0900: De 10. 19620617 Parfymeri Asta. 
1000: 2 program med Larsan Sörensson. 
1100: Ingegerd Ekinger, sekretare och reklamröst. Kaj Karlholm interviews one of the backers Bob Thompson in English. Intervju med nyhetsmännen Lars Branje och Kjell Bergström. 
1200: Kjell Bergström, nyhetschef nummer 2, intervjuas. 
1300: Intervjuer med Kjell Bergström, nyhetsmännen Lars Branje och Lars Nestius och Ove Sjöström. Och Lars Branje intervjuar dåvarande försvarsminister Karin Enström 2014. 
1400: Björn Fredrik Höijer, nyhetschef nummer 1 intervjuas. 
1500: Jan Kotschack, son till Radio Nords chef Jack Kotschack intervjuas. 
1600: Intervjuer med flottist, Gunnar Heilborn och Kaj Bjerke, båda tekniker som också gjorde egna program. Plus intervju med tekniker Kenneth Agehed. 
1700: Pelle Lönndahl studiochef på Kammakargatan och tekniker Tage Sjöborg. 
1800: Lars Branje intervjuar Solveig Ullerstig som satt i receptionen. 
1830: Topp 20 med Larsson Sörensson från 620307. 
2000: Seve Ungermark, nyhetsman intervjuas. 
2100: Ronny Forslunds program inför 40-årsjubiléet del 1. 
2200: Ronny Forslunds program inför 40-årsjubiléet del 2. 
2300: De Tio 19620204. 


0000: Topp 20 610712 Gert Landin. 
0100: Mellanvågsinspelning. Jörgen Einestad. 
0200: Mellanvågsinspelning sista sändningsdagen. 
0300: Takt och ton i mikrofon med Kaj Häger. 
0400: Överraskning? 
0500: Ronny Forslunds program inför 40-årsjubiléet del 1.
0600: : Ronny Forslunds program inför 40-årsjubiléet del 2. 
0700: Bli min gäst med Gunnar Heilborn. 
0800: Tekniker Kenneth Agehed intervjuas. 
0948: Klockan 10 startade Radio Nord reguljära sändningar. Här är starten i en mellanvågsinspelning. 1200: Melodiposten med Lars Grünberger 19610408. 
1300: Provprogram som gjordes innan sändningarna startade. 
1400: Nordmorgon med Sten Hedman 
1500: Låten från båten med Larsan Sörensson 19611027. 
1600: Radio Nord Story del 1 från Mälardalens Radiosällskaps närradio. 
1700: Radio Nord Story del 2 från Mälardalens Radiosällskaps närradio. 
1830: Topp 20 med Gert Landin 19610712. 
1900: De 10 610712 Gert Landin. Intervju med Rolf Attsätter, lyssnare. 
2000: Jack Kotschack interview by Barry Farber of WOR-FM i New York in English. Ron Baxley show in English. 
2100: Stjärnor i etern med Kaj Häger 19620303. 
2255: Så här lät Radio Nords sista timme den 30:e juni 1962. 

All programmes are in Swedish unless otherwise stated. Our main frequency is 6200 kHz, with 6035 and 6130 kHz as alternative frequencies in case of interference. Power is 10 kW with one side band suppressed.We are broadcasting over the Sala SW transmitter at Ringvalla courtesy Bernt Nyberg. 

Reception reports are highly welcome of what you can hear on your own radio where you live - not over a Kiwi receiver on some other continent. But if you want to listen to the programmes and don't have the possibility of listening from home on your own radio of course you can use a Kiwi receiver somewhere in Europe. However, reception reports over a distant Kiwi receiver are not of any use to us. We are interested to know how we are coming through in your area directly by radio. 

We still have some of our printed QSL cards left and if you would like a confirmation of your report by a real QSL please include 2 IRC's or €3 with your report. You can also transfer funds to PayPal, using the reference info@rock.x.se. Reception reports can be sent to: Ronny Forslund Radio Nord Revival Vita Huset SE-17995 Svartsjö Sweden Happy listening!