tisdag 26 augusti 2014

End of streaming

Radio Nord Revivals direktsändningar avslutas nu.  Men våra program kan fortsatt  höras på flera radiostationer. Antingen via radion eller via Internet:

Radio Nord Revival live transmissions have now ended. But our programes can still  be heard on several radiostations:

Radio Merkus från Riga i Lettland onsdagar/wednesdays kl 21.00 CET på mellanvåg 1485 kHz. http://www.radiomerkurs.lv/

Radio Lidingö onsdagar/wednesdays FM 97,8 MHz. Med repris söndagar/rerun sundays kl 21.00 CET. http://www.radiolidingo.se/

Radio Sala  eftermiddag fredagar/fridays PM på FM 97,0 MHz. http://www.radiosala.se/index.html

Radio Wake Up i Falkenberg lördagar/saturdays 105,1 MHz.  http://radiowakeup.weebly.com/

Andra stationer som vill återutsända Radio Nord Revivals en-timmas program får gärna kontakta mig på goran.lindemark@comhem.se
/If you represent a radio station and would like to carry the Radio Nord Revival programmes free of charge, please contact Göran Lindemark at goran.lindemark@comhem.se

/ Göran Lindemark

söndag 24 augusti 2014

Worldwide reception of Radio Nord Revival

It seems like this time the conditions have been in our favour. Reception reports are coming in from all over the world. Some examples: USA, Japan, New Zealand, Malaysia, Egypt, Australia and most of Europe. Really impressing! As our QSL manager is off to the USA today, all reports will be verified in mid-September when he gets back. Reception reports can be sent to:

Ronny Forslund
Radio Nord Revival
Vita Huset
SE-17995 Svartsjo

Return postage ($ or IRC's) is much appreciated.

lördag 23 augusti 2014

Radio Nord Revival on 9295 kHz from 1900 UTC on August 23

After a long and great day of broadcasting from The Castle in Vaxholm, we have now returned home. But do try 9295 kHz which has just replaced 6065 kHz. Seems to be doing fine in England - anybody hearing us on the other side of the pond?

torsdag 21 augusti 2014

Radio Nord Revival now testing on 1512 kHz

We are now testing from Kvarnberget, Vallentuna on MW 1512 kHz and tomorrow, Friday 22, we will start testing at 0800 UTC from Ringvalla, Sala on 3950 and 6065 kHz with 5 and 10 kW respectively. Also, tests are expected on 5770 kHz tomorrow. This is the one frequency that will be used from The Castle, as 6220 kHz has been deleted. 3915 kHz has been substituted by 3950 kHz.

Please write a comment and tell us how you are receiving Radio Nord Revival.

Bernt Nyberg operating the 10 kW SW transmitter at Ringvalla, Sala.

onsdag 20 augusti 2014

Radio Nord Revival relayed by Radio Merkurs 1485 from Latvia

Starting tonight, Wednesday August 20, at 1900 UTC, Radio Merkurs in Riga, Latvia will be broadcasting Radio Nord Revival overnight until 0600 UTC on medium wave 1485 kHz. Power is 2,7 kW.

lördag 16 augusti 2014

Frequencies now cleared for Radio Nord Revival 2014

Our frequency application to the PTS has now been approved and we will be using the following frequencies:

MW 1512 kHz from Kvarnberget, Vallentuna. Licensed power is 2,5 kW but we may only be using 1 kW. Antenna height is 37 metres.

SW 3915 kHz from Ringvalla, Sala. Licensed power is 5 kW and the antenna height is 12 metres.

SW 5810, 6065 and 9295 kHz from Ringvalla, Sala. One of the frequencies will be used at a time. Licensed power is 10 kW and the antenna height is 12 metres.

SW 5770 and 6220 kHz from The Castle, Vaxholm. Licensed power is 0,5 kW and the antenna height is 12 metres. At the moment it is not clear what transmitter that will be used. This is a one-off chance to catch a broadcasting signal from The Castle - the place where the first broadcast ever in Sweden was made on September 1, 1919.

Test transmissions will be made prior to the live broadcasts from The Castle and further information about these transmissions will be made here as soon as we switch on. Please comment in our blog how you are receiving us. As usual, written reception reports can be sent to

Ronny Forslund
Radio Nord Revival
Vita Huset
17995 Svartsjö

Return postage in the form of $ or IRC's is much appreciated.

We wish you a good reception. Anybody is welcome to join us at The Castle on Saturday, August 23. If you are in the Stockholm area, you can get to Vaxholm by boat or bus and then there is a boat from Pier 9 in Vaxholm. For travel information please check out www.sl.sewww.strommakanalbolaget.se and www.waxholmsbolaget.se.

Radio Nord Revival is a part of the big field day which is arranged by Täby Sändaramatörer.

onsdag 16 juli 2014

Radio Nord Revival from The Castle, Vaxholm

Radio Nord Revival is coming back live once again! We will be broadcasting from The Castle off Vaxholm, Sweden on Saturday, August 23. This is in connection with the big Radio Day, arranged by Täby Sändareamatörer. Below is a view of our temporary QTH.

We will be broadcasting on MW 1512 kHz from Kvarnberget, Vallentuna, using 1 kW of power. In addition, the programmes will be relayed from Sala over a 10 kW SW transmitter using A3H modulation plus a 5 kW rig which will operate in the 75 m.b. There are also plans for a low-powered SW transmitter broadcasting from the actual Castle.

This location is historically interesting as it was from here that the very first broadcast in Sweden was made on September 1, 1919, using the facilities of coastal radio station Vaxholm Radio. A number of journalists had been invited to listen to speech and music from Vaxholm at the premises of Telegrafverket (the Telegraphy Board), Brunkebergstorg in Stockholm. This day, August 23, marks the 100th anniversary of Vaxholm Radio.

As usual, a number of Radio Nord veterans will be participating in the event. If you happen to be in the Stockholm area, you are welcome to join us. You can go to Vaxholm by boat or bus from Stockholm and there are boats for The Castle from pier 9 (kajplats 9) in Vaxholm, for details check out the time table.

Our SW frequencies have not yet been cleared but we will be back with further details as soon as we have received the license. Welcome to join us  for another dose of pure radio nostalgia. If you are on Facebook you are welcome to join our group Radio Nord Revival.

Detailed programme (in Swedish) for the Radio Day.