onsdag 9 mars 2011

Radio Nord on the Ronny B Goode Show

Those of you who are not yet fed up with Radio Nord nostalgia, why not listen in to The Ronny B Goode Show tonight Wednesday, March 9 at 1900 UTC (20.00 CET/SNT)? Radio Österåker 103.7 (Stockholm), web radio http://radio.osteraker.se/  , also relayed by Radio Merkurs in Riga, Latvia. The programme also contains an interview (in Swedish) with one of the old 'pirates' who worked on board the Bon Jour, Lasse Branje.

Om ni vill höra en av de två "Lassarna" från Radio Nord, Lasse Branje, lyssna alltså klockan 20.00 i kväll onsdag, repris söndag.

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